Sexual Function and Infertility

Sexual Function and Infertility
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Sometimes men, women, or both partners in a couple experience recurring problems during sex that prevent them from enjoying sexual activity. Among men common sexual problems include erectile dysfunction or impotence, premature ejaculation, Peyronie's disease (penile curvature), and hypogonadism (low levels of testosterone). These problems not only diminish sexual activity but can also contribute to male infertility. Sexual dysfunction is more openly discussed than in the past, but still only a fraction of the men with these problems seek medical care. Those who do seek help almost always find that their problems are treatable.
Our Approach to Diagnosis and Treatment for Sexual Function/Dysfunction and Infertility
Columbia urologists have expertise diagnosing and treating all types of male sexual dysfunctions. Sexual problems often have their roots in other physical or psychological problems—heart disease, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, chronic diseases, alcoholism, drug abuse, stress, anxiety, depression, and medications for other ailments. We can help untangle the causes of sexual dysfunction and offer the full range of treatments, from the latest medical and surgical approaches to behavioral therapies.
Our urologists also treat men with infertility problems, whether they are related to problems of sexual function or arise from hormonal or anatomical abnormalities. We can determine the cause of a man's infertility and offer basic to the most advanced procedures that afford each patient the best chance of conception. We work closely with the doctors at Columbia's Center for Women's Reproductive Care (CWRC), providing both partners in an infertile couple collaborative, expert care. Doctors in the two departments communicate closely with each other, and both partners can be seen for clinic appointments and procedures at the CWRC.
World-Class Urology Care
Our sexual function and infertility specialists are leading experts with experience using the latest treatments and technologies.