A patient undergoing an EOS imaging scan with assistance from a healthcare professional.


If you have been scheduled for EOS imaging, it means your doctor would like a closer look at your spine, pelvis, hip, or leg.  

What is EOS imaging? 

EOS imaging is a low-dose X-ray used to look at your musculoskeletal system. Images are taken standing up or sitting down, enabling doctors to see your natural, weight-bearing posture. The 2D and 3D images provide a complete view of the spine and lower limbs, all in one image. EOS uses significantly less radiation than standard X-rays or CT scans.

How is EOS imaging used by doctors? 

EOS is an important tool for the diagnosis and monitoring of many spine, hip, and leg conditions. It is also used for presurgical planning for and postsurgical evaluation of hip and knee replacements, as well as various spine procedures.

Some of the conditions that EOS is used to evaluate are:

  • scoliosis 
  • kyphosis 
  • degenerative disc disease
  • limb length discrepancy 
  • bowleg and knock knee conditions 
  • hip dysplasia
  • balance issues 
  • osteoarthritis

How do I prepare for the test? 

  • There is no special preparation for an EOS imaging exam.  
  • Please tell your doctor if you are pregnant or nursing.

What will happen during the test? 

  • Check in for your appointment on the Connect patient portal. You may also check in when you arrive at the imaging center.  
  • When you arrive for your appointment, you will be asked to change into a gown. 
  • During the exam, you will stand in a booth for just a few minutes.  
  • The EOS system can take pictures of your spine in less than 20 seconds. The entire exam takes about four minutes. 

Are there any risks? 

You will be exposed to minimal doses of radiation. The risk is very small compared to the benefit of an accurate diagnosis or intervention. 

After the exam 

You can immediately resume your normal activities after the exam. A radiologist will analyze the images and share the results with the doctor who requested the exam. Your doctor will then discuss the results with you.