Diabetes Technology

Use of technology is a large part of diabetes management. This page has information on pumps, sensors, and other equipment, as well as instructions for what to do if your pump breaks. For detailed questions or issues regarding these products, please contact the manufacturer.
Diabetes Management Tools
The following guides and resources will help patients with uploading, device setup, and finding helpful contacts.
Learn how to set up and upload your device on a personal computer. For additional questions on uploading through CareLink, call the Medtronic help line at 800-646-4633, option 1. This software is used for patients on a Medtronic pump.
Learn how to connect your Dexcom receiver in order to upload and view glucose data and to save, print, or email reports from home. To begin you will need to create a Dexcom account. To share your data directly with the Berrie Center, first request an invitation from your diabetes educator. Next, log in to Dexcom Clarity to begin the sharing process. This software is used for patients on a Dexcom CGM.
Learn about Glooko uploading at home. Once your pump/CGM information is uploaded you can share data with the Berrie Center by following these steps:
Turn on the Glooko ProConenct Portal on your mobile phone
Open the Glooko mobile app
Go to Settings > Account > add ProConnect code "naomiberrie"
Tell your Berrie Center physician or diabetes educator that you uploaded to Glooko
For technical support contact Glooko customer service at 800-206-6601 or text Glooko at 650-720-5310 for faster service. This software is used for patients on an OmniPod.
Upload data from your Tandem pump and supported glucose meters using a standard USB connection. For technical support contact Tandem Diabetes at 877-801-6901.
Diabetes Tech Hacks
Our center’s diabetes educators have compiled a list of tips about apps, pumps, sensors, uploading, and downloading, otherwise known as our “tech hacks.” Experience teaches us it can take time to feel comfortable with a pump or sensor. The below advice comes from years of patient feedback and discussions with providers and product-makers.
Glooko Tips
Glooko is a digital platform for diabetes management that helps people with diabetes communicate with their care teams. Glooko is used to upload information from your Dexcom, from the Omnipod and Omnipod DASH, and from a Tandem pump. If you don’t have a free Glooko account, now is a good time to get one.
Our educators advise that you link your Dexcom account to your Glooko account. To do this, go to "Profile" on the Glooko website, scroll all the way down, and click "Connect Dexcom Account." This makes the reports much quicker and easier for your doctor or diabetes educator to review.
The uploader in the browser of the Glooko website can be a bit glitchy. Always double check after you upload that the data actually made it into Glooko by going to "Summary" and seeing if there is any data from the date you uploaded. Make sure you are looking specifically for pump data (a.k.a boluses) and not blood sugar data (blood sugar data may be coming from your Dexcom app if you linked your Dexcom to your Glooko account).
If you keep having issues with uploading through the internet browser, try downloading the actual Glooko uploader software (free on the Glooko website). That software can be a lot less troublesome. If you download and use the Glooko uploader software, you can also upload Dexcom receivers and blood glucose meters. This helps to give your doctor and educator as much information as possible.
Try using the Glooko app as well. You can manually log things into the Glooko app like carbs you use to treat low blood sugars, or exercise, or foods you eat. The Glooko app is also useful for verifying that the data you uploaded from your Omnipod PDM went through. If it shows Omnipod data from the day you uploaded, then it worked.
Omnipod Tips
Uploading information from your pump might not always be seamless. For Omnipod, keep this in mind: When you plug the Omnipod DASH PDM into your computer, the PDM screen should change, and you will see a button that says "Export." If it doesn't, then just unplug and re-plug your PDM into your computer. Be sure to press "Export" before completing the rest of the upload in Glooko.
If you're uploading the Omnipod DASH PDM and you sense it uploaded properly, but there is no new data available in Glooko, try uploading again and make sure you always press "Export" on the PDM before doing the rest of the upload on the website.
If you do not have access to a computer, you can upload the Omnipod PDM to the Glooko app on your smartphone. You just need a special cable to connect your PDM to your phone. This feature does not work on all phones, however. To see if this option works for you, open the Glooko app, go to "Sync," choose your device, and then follow the instructions. If it says you can upload, but you need a cable, it will tell you which kind of cable you need. You can even order one through the app. If it says you need to upload the device through a computer, then your phone does not support uploading the PDM to the phone.
Dexcom Tips
Check that the username on the Dexcom app is the same username you use to log into Dexcom Clarity to link your account to the Berrie Center. Keep the Dexcom app open and running in the background of your phone at all times (do not "swipe it up" to close the app). Look at the "battery optimization" settings for apps in your phone. Make sure that battery use is not optimized for the Dexcom G6 app.
To upload the Dexcom receiver to Dexcom Clarity, you need a full computer or laptop. A "chromebook" or tablet will not work.
If you do not have a computer at home, but you do have a smartphone, some smartphones can upload the Dexcom receiver to the Glooko app with a special cable. You can find out more if you download the Glooko app and go to "Sync" in the top right corner. Details on the app will walk you through how to upload a Dexcom receiver and what kind of cable you need.
Tandem Tips
You must keep the t:connect app open and running in the background of your phone at all times and keep the phone within 20 feet of your pump for the data to upload properly in real time. Some educators recommend opening the app before going to bed, this way it is open for plenty of time. In addition, a good time to charge your device is while you are in the shower.
The pump can take a while to upload data to the app if the app has been closed for a long time. It's best to have the app open for at least a few hours each day. If the app has not connected to the pump in several weeks or months, it could take a week or longer of the app being open and next to the pump for the pump to upload fully.
You can check your t:connect account online and see if the data from your pump has fully uploaded. Go to "Reports" and look at "Therapy Timeline." If the data is up to date, current data will be visible on the screen.
While some patients don’t keep the app open due to battery concerns, Berrie Center educators advise patients to keep the app open at least once a week for one to two days. This allows for data transfer to the cloud. It is always best to keep the app open a few days prior to an appointment at the Berrie Center to make sure your visit is productive.
Medtronic Tips
- For 630G/670G: You must have the linking meter (Contour Next Link 2.4) to upload the pump to a computer. If you do not have this meter, call Medtronic customer service to request one (your doctor cannot send a prescription for this meter to your local pharmacy, it must come from Medtronic).
- For 770G/780G: If you do not have a smartphone to use the CareLink app, you must have the blue Carelink USB "dongle" to upload the pump to a computer. You must request this by calling Medtronic customer service.
You must email your login information (username and password) to the Berrie Center team so we can link your personal CareLink account to our clinic account. We can also send an invitation to your email for you to link your account to ours if you ask us.