Your Surgery
Make an Appointment
Our team is here to help you make an appointment with the specialists that you need.

Our entire Columbia Otolaryngology team is committed to making sure your procedure goes as smoothly as possible. Please review the instructions below and contact us with any questions.
Preparing for Your Surgery
A few days before your surgery, you will receive a call from one of our staff with an appointment time and pre-surgery instructions. Please follow the “nothing per mouth” (NPO) instructions carefully and make sure you arrive on time to prevent delay or cancellation of your surgery.
The Day of Surgery
On the day of your surgery, please keep the following policies and resources in mind:
- Please bring a family member or escort to your surgery
- Review any driving directions and parking information
After Your Surgery
After your procedure, make sure to rest for the remainder of the day. Refrain from heavy lifting and exercise. It is normal to experience some dizziness or drowsiness following surgery or treatment.
- DO NOT consume alcohol, drive, operate machinery, or make important personal or business decisions for 24 hours.
- Begin with a light meal when you get home from surgery to prevent nausea or vomiting.
- Be sure to follow any instructions your doctor or nurse gives you upon discharge.