doctor using  digital tablet

Request for Medical Records

A valid Authorization to Release Medical Information form must be completed to receive copies of your ColumbiaDoctors medical records. For any questions, email our Health Information Management Department at


Online Authorization

Our Release of Information Vendor, Verisma, handles patient and third-party requests. Verisma manages the medical and billing requests for ColumbiaDoctors. Please use the links below to complete our Online Authorization form.

  • Patient Request (en Español)
  • Patient Representative Request (en Español)
  • Attorney Request
    • Please be advised that subpoenas are not accepted with this method and any use of this method shall not be deemed proper service on behalf of Columbia University Irving Medical Center. All subpoenas may only be served at the Office of the General Counsel at 412 Low Memorial Library, 535 West 116th Street, New York, NY 10027.

Mail-In/Fax Forms

For copies of your ColumbiaDoctors medical records, a valid Authorization to Release Medical Information form needs to be completed. 
Information/Medical Records are available in English, Spanish, and Chinese. These forms are available to patients or their representatives:

The authorization form can be mailed to: 

  • Health Information Management or Medical Records, 630 West 168th Street, Box 123, New York, NY 10032

Alternatively, these forms can be faxed to ColumbiaDoctors at (516) 217-1357.

Patient Request to Correct/Amend

If you identify erroneous, inaccurate, or incomplete information within your medical record, you have the right to request an amendment or correction to the medical record content.

To request an amendment/correction, download the Request for Correction/Amendment for Protected Health Information form below and complete all required sections.

Completed forms can be emailed to

Additional Sources

Connect Patient Portal

Through our online patient portal, Connect, patients can view:

  • Electronic medical record
  • Laboratory test results
  • Radiology and diagnostic testing results

Per the 21st Century Cures Act, as of July 2022, you will have immediate access in Connect to test results and clinical notes, including laboratory, pathology, radiology, diagnostic testing results, and progress notes. 


For more information, email


For more information about requesting pathology materials, please review this form and reach out to the Department of Pathology for any questions.


Patients can access radiology reports through their Connect account. Additional information on how to view images via the Connect patient portal is available in English and Español.

Student Records

Students can request their medical records through Student Health on Haven.

  • 100 Haven Ave, Suite 230, New York, NY 10032 
  • Phone: (212) 305-3400
  • Fax: (212) 342-3955


Patient FAQs to Obtain Outpatient Medical Records

Patient FAQs to Obtain Hospital Medical Records

Medical Records Directory


Subpoenas seeking medical records from Columbia University must be served on the Office of the General Counsel at 412 Low Memorial Library, 535 West 116th Street, New York, NY 10027.