Pediatric Ultrasound
Make an Appointment
Schedule a radiology exam at NewYork-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital. Some pediatric exams are available at additional locations.
If your child has been scheduled for an ultrasound, it means their doctor would like a closer look at their tissues, structures, or organs. Ultrasound is painless and does not use radiation.
What is ultrasound?
Ultrasound (also called sonography) uses sound waves to create images of internal organs, structures, and tissues.
How ultrasound is used by doctors
Ultrasound is used to look at many parts of the body for many different reasons, such as:
- to look at the shape or structure of parts of the body.
- to check for signs of disease.
- to help with planning before an operation.
- to manage a treatment or follow-up after a procedure.
How can I help my child prepare for the exam?
- On the day of the exam your child should wear comfortable clothes.
- If you have copies of prior exams, please bring them with you.
- Please make childcare arrangements for siblings as they will not be allowed into the exam room.
Preparation for specific ultrasound exams
No Preparation
These ultrasound exams need no special preparation:
- Spine
- Arms and Legs
- Hip
- Brain
- Thyroid
- Scrotum
- Soft tissue masses
Abdominal Ultrasound Preparation
Your child may not eat or drink for a period of time before the study:
- Infants: 2 hours
- 1 to 4 years old: 3 to 4 hours
- 5 to 10 years old: 4 hours
- 11 years and older: 6 to 8 hours
Kidney, Bladder, or Pelvic Ultrasound Preparation
Your child must have a full bladder for this exam. Depending on their age, you can help them drink enough liquid before the exam. They do not need to restrict food.
- 0 to 2 years old: Give them a liquid feeding one hour prior to the appointment and bring extra juice or formula in a bottle to the exam.
- 3 to 5 years old: Your child should drink at least 8 ounces of juice or water one half hour before the appointment. Do not let your child empty their bladder before the exam.
- 6 to 10 years old: Your child should drink 16 to 24 ounces of juice or water one hour before the appointment. Do not let your child empty their bladder before the exam.
- 11 and older: Your child should drink 32 ounces of juice or water one hour before the exam. Do not let your child empty their bladder before the exam.
What will happen during the exam?
- Check in for your child’s appointment on the Connect patient portal. You may also check in when you arrive at the imaging center.
- When you arrive for your appointment, your child will be asked to change into a gown.
- You will be allowed to accompany your child to the exam room.
- A technologist will take you and your child into the exam room and ask your child to lie either face up or on their side on the exam table. The technologist will turn off the lights to make the pictures clearer on the screen.
- The technologist will cover the skin over the area to be looked at with a small amount of warm gel. This prevents air pockets from forming between the transducer (wand) and the skin.
- The technologist will then glide the transducer over the skin, moving from one area to another, to capture the images of the internal organs and tissues. Your child may be instructed to hold his or her breath at times, to prevent motion on the images.
- An ultrasound exam takes about 30 minutes.
Are there any risks?
Ultrasound does not use radiation, special dyes, or anesthesia and has no known risks or side effects.
After the exam
Your child can immediately resume normal activities after their ultrasound. A radiologist will analyze the images and share the results with the doctor who requested the exam. Your child’s doctor will then discuss the results with you.