Pediatric CT Scan
Make an Appointment
Schedule a radiology exam at NewYork-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital. Some pediatric exams are available at additional locations.
What is a CT scan?
Computed tomography (CT) is an X-ray exam that produces cross-sectional images of the body. Each cross-section represents a “slice” of the part of the body being imaged. When viewed together, these images provide more detail than regular X-ray images. CT is used to look at most parts of the body.
A CT scanner looks like a big donut with a motorized table that slides in and out of the opening. The exam is usually painless and quick. For some CT exams, we will give your child a contrast agent, or dye, through a vein or by mouth to make organs and structures show up on the images.
How CT is used by doctors
A CT can provide information about an injury or illness that cannot be obtained using other exams. In children, it is used to evaluate a wide range of conditions such as head injuries, appendicitis, and many other illnesses. It is also used to help plan a surgery or to see whether a treatment is working.
How can I help my child prepare for the exam?
- On the day of the exam your child should wear comfortable clothes.
- Let your child know that you will be with them for the whole exam.
- Have your child bring a favorite toy or comforting object with them to their appointment.
- If you have copies of prior exams, please bring them with you.
- Please make childcare arrangements for siblings as they will not be allowed into the exam room.
- If you are pregnant, you will not be allowed in the room during the exam and may wish to have someone else be with your child.
Preparation for a CT with contrast or sedation
If your child is scheduled for a CT with contrast, or if your child will be sedated for the exam, you will need to follow some preparation instructions. Children with known allergies to contrast will receive special preparation instructions.
CT with Intravenous (IV) Contrast
- Your child should not eat anything for two hours before the exam.
- They may drink clear liquids.
CT of Abdomen or Pelvis with Oral Contrast
- You will be instructed to come to the hospital two hours before your exam.
- When you arrive, we will give your child a drinkable contrast agent.
CT with Sedation
- We will provide you with sedation preparation instructions.
What will happen during the exam?
- Check in for your child’s appointment on the Connect patient portal. You may also check in when you arrive at the imaging center.
- When you arrive for your appointment, your child will be asked to change into a gown.
- You will be allowed to accompany your child to the exam room. We will ask you to wear a lead apron to protect you from unnecessary exposure to radiation.
- A technologist will take you and your child into the exam room.
- If your child will be receiving IV contrast, a nurse will insert an IV line into their hand or arm. Your child may feel a warm, flushed sensation during the injection and may have a slight unpleasant taste in their mouth for a few minutes. If your child is being sedated for the exam, we will also insert an IV line.
- The technologist will position your child on the table, usually on their back. The technologist will leave the room to perform the scan, but they will always be able to see, hear, and speak with your child.
- The table will slide slowly into the scanner. A red light may shine on your child’s body, which helps ensure that they are properly positioned. The technologist will ask your child to hold very still and may ask them to hold their breath a few times during the scan. Any type of movement during a CT scan will make the images look fuzzy.
- A CT scan takes between five and 15 minutes to complete.
Are there any risks?
CT scans use more radiation than regular X-rays. If the exam is medically necessary, the risk is small compared to the benefit of an accurate diagnosis. A very small number of people are allergic to the contrast agent and develop allergy symptoms (hives, itching, red skin). Severe allergic reactions are very uncommon, and we are well-equipped to deal with them.
After the exam
After the exam your child can immediately resume normal activities. If your child was sedated, you will be asked to wait in the imaging area until they are reasonably alert. A radiologist will analyze the CT images and will share the results with the doctor who requested the exam. Your child’s doctor will then discuss the results with you.